SHINE: Marketing Mastery

Time for you to SHINE in YOUR market and do it with intention, strategy, and grace so you can show up and serve your green light clients, repel the red lights and spend time making ART.

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Time for you to SHINE in YOUR market and do it with intention, strategy, and grace so you can show up and serve your green light clients, repel the red lights and spend time making ART and MONEY in your studio.
I am Cat Ford-Coates and I am here to teach you HOW to market SUSTAINABLY so you can stop chasing the doom scroll, start making money, AND having the freedom to live your life on your terms. Isn't it time you stopped trying to get ALL the things to work snd focused on what you're great at, create systems for yourself and your business that allow you to get attention in your market so you can create art with your favorite clients?
This isn''t hoodoo. It's strategy, process, and attack from a heart place.
It feels out of your control because you're operating from a place of "let me photograph you" instead of "here is why I am the obvious choice to make your life better". Your clients aren't doing you a "favor" by choosing to work with you. Your clients need you and desire to work with you because you have an offer of VALUE FOR THEM.
No favors needed.
I can show you HOW.


You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

What is SHINE?

A 12 week intensive focused entirely on Marketing for Portrait Photographers. The real nitty gritty on ALL things Marketing: crafting value driven offers, campaign development, building your network and HOW to do it, in person and online strategies, getting on local and national stages, developing podcasts, and more. Marketing with intention so you can photograph your favorite clients the way YOU want to.

When will the material be available for this course?

SHINE is available for enrollment NOW however: 1. Material willl be available beginning Jan 1 AND Cat will be hosting live Q&A's for the material in your member portal on Monday's at 11:00am EDT beginning January 8th.

Do I need to be present on calls?

Each module in SHINE will be released weekly so that you can digest the material at your own pace.  

Is this course included with your mentoring program "In The Studio"?

It sure is! SHINE AND Foundation to Freedom are both included in "In The Studio" and "The Portrait Council". You're welcome to purchase it on it's own or enroll with us in "In The Studio". Totally up to you.

Are Payment Plans available?

Yes~! I LOVE payment plans! There are three payment options:
  1. Pay in full for $3500
  2. Pay in 6 bi-weekly installments (every two weeks) of $650
  3. Pay in 3 monthly installments of $1300

What can I expect from this course?

A comprehensive understanding of HOW to show up IN your marketing from YOUR special mojo: 
  • WHY you do what you do and how you do it
  • Identifying WHO your favorite clients are
  • The impact you have for your favorite clients
  • And HOW to SHOW the hell up to BE Unforgettable: 
  • the flow of effective marketing in person and online
  • the way to craft YOUR brand voice
  • campaign strategies to get people IN the door again and again
There are 1000's of courses out there so how do you choose? For me what and how Cat Ford-Coates teaches is a no brainer. Having ADHD makes it difficult for me to break down information and organize it in my brain, and Cat is a master of explaining and breaking down actionable steps. She uses language in a way that just makes every concept so clear. I have a million AHA moments. I feel the investment in what Cat offers comes back tenfold. Like I said, her courses are the best investment!
Brenda Spielman
What sets Cat apart is not just her expertise, and she has a wealth of knowledge, but it's her genuine care and invetment in my development. She will be your biggest cheerleader and your no nonsense coach. This is the perfect combo to help you elevate to the next level.
Judith Hill Levenson

Highlights of SHINE

Who are you marketing to?

Cat will be sharing insights on The Sacred Money Archetypes® so that you can identify, define, and target your ideal clients. If you don't know WHO you are speaking to you're probably saying ALOT and trying to please EVERYONE but once you know who your favorite client IS you can focus all of your messaging efforts to THAT client which will allow them to resonate with you and what you have to offer and even repel the ones you don't.

Your network IS your net worth

STOP going into the "room" trying to sell everyone you encounter. That is not the purpose of networking. Take a beat:
 - Consider who your audience IS
 - Ask yourself "How can I be an asset to THEIR network and in THEIR lives?"
 - Watch for opportunity, always
Networking can feel overwhelming. Here you are showing up in a room, trying to remember a putch, maybe you don't even like being around people very much. Don't worry, in this training we'll give you: 
 - the strategies you need to "people" effectively
 - how to leverage your network to grow in your community
 - how to bring value to everyone IN the room
 - Be Unforgettable

Campaign Development

You often hear Photographers discussing their campaigns for lead generation. It is a tried and true tactic to fill the gaps in your calendar, especially when there isn't anything on it to begin with. We'll cover it all!
 - Quantity driven (40 Over 40)
 - Contests (Win a $3000 package)
And the best part is you'll understand the flow of your client journey so that you can attract and fill that calendar with ease!
rise and shine!

Pay in full SHINE Bonus!

The first 30 people to enroll and pay in full will receive our "Doing the damned thing!" coffee mug! Drink your favorite morning beverage every morning while you study, DO the work, set your intentions, and create the life you want to be living!!

Cat Ford-Coates

CEO, Portrait Photographer, Portrait Mentor

A professional Photographer for more than ten years, and has reached the highest level of accreditation with The Portrait Masters as a Fellow Master Photographer, an official Mentor for The Portrait System, co-host of The 12 Month Start Up, and am a “black belt” in the teachings and education of Sue Bryce, and my highest value is Freedom; Freedom in money AND in time. I've created this focus so that you can treat your business like a business to make more money, execute, and delegate like the boss you know you're meant to BE.