In The Studio:

 Mentoring Program

Learn how I create unforgettable portraits for my clients and grow my revenue year after year.

Your clients deserve to have you perform at your highest capacity.
You deserve the time and energy to create the art and the business your heart desires. 
Your business deserves to be profitable.

In The Studio: Mentoring Program

Write your awesome label here.
Course overview
In the Studio with Cat Ford-Coates is a monthly mentoring program with Mentor Cat Ford-Coates where each and every month she shares photo shoots, business advice, and more! Learn how to light, style, and pose! Learn how to build profitability into your pricing, free up time in your calendar, market effectively, and more! It's time to elevate your work: for you and for your clients.
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You aren't here by accident. In fact, I would even venture to say you're here on purpose. You're looking for an opportunity to evolve in your business and as an Artist.

I'm here to help. Join us today and engage with your purpose to be more.

Brenda Spielmann

If you are looking for a mentor who gives you 1000% and is truly present for every step of the process, Cat is your person. She doesn’t hold anything back. She shares everything from her own successful business, and if that’s not enough she keeps updating and adding to her classes, so you just keep learning and staying current.

Alissa Dorman

Foundation to freedom was an amazing course. Cat is an incredible educator and truly cares about all of us succeeding not only in her course but also as photographers in everyday life. She is always there for us and willing to critique our work when asked and answer in detail any business question we may have. Her knowledge and passion is incredible and I am honored to have taken her class. It is well worth your time and money to dive into her course.

Gray Tham

Processes Processes Processes ... Cat has taught us that our processes and make or break us. SHE IS SO RIGHT.
Don't let important processes get put at the bottom of the list. And be proud of yourself, but never get too smug! Cat Ford-Coates - thank you so much for the last 2 months. Here I thought all I needed was a 1-hour call with you .... I am so grateful I didn't go down that route!

Stacey McNaughton

This is something you should not sit on, Do it!!!!!! This is a chance to have access to an amazing Mentor and all her ideas ( which are great). this is something you will never regret. I have the yearly membership and LOVE it. i learn by repetition. so when i can listen to all this anytime i want/need it is so valuable to me. Plus Cat is so Down to earth she just like us

The truth about owning a portrait business

When you start your business you dream of things like having control over your own schedule, and shooting amazing clients in a beautiful space! 
What no one tells you is that it can be isolating and lonely, that you have to master marketing and sales strategies, that you have to measure things like return on investment and opportunity cost. You signed up for making art and to have the freedom that comes with owning your own business and now you're realizing that your business owns you. That isn't a business, love. That's a job.

In The Studio gives you:
  • Marketing strategies to attract your favorite clients
  • Systems to deliver unforgettable customer service
  • Pricing designed for profitability
  • Creative development & challenges
  • Access to LIVE Q&A with Mentor Cat Ford-Coates
  • Private Members Only Facebook group
Write your awesome label here.
Foundation to freedom & shine: marketing mastery

Intensive programs included with "In The Studio"

Foundation to Freedom & SHINE: Marketing intensives are included during your enrollment and we go to work Jan 1! Be IN the room!
Don't just take our word for it though, see what other mentees have had to say below!
Write your awesome label here.
frequently asked questions


LIVE coaching and Q&A with Cat Ford-Coates where she shares with you everything portrait.
From fly-on-the-wall photo shoots, to posing, to lighting, to business topics like marketing, sales, infrastructure and more!


All live broadcasts will be released and included in your membership portal so you can rewatch at your convenience


Enrollment is $8800 for one year.


  • SHINE: Marketing Mastery 
  • Foundation to Freedom 

  • Master Your Marketing
  • Portrait Visionary: Masterclass
  • The REV-enue Challenge
  • 10% off a la carte digital courses and products
  • LIVE monthly training with Cat Ford-Coates
  • Podcast Like You Mean It
  • and more!

Quarterly Creative Challenge!
Q2 2024: TBA 4/18

LIVE training on:
  • Mondays - Wednesday at 12:00pm edt
  • the first and third Thursdays of every month

Members Only Facebook group
Private Community portal on Takeover

Still not sure? | Book a complimentary call w/Cat

Upcoming Topics For Membership

  • The Consultation
  • Immediate Ordering Sessions
  • Incorporating Inspiration
  • Developing Style
  • Posing
  • Sales
  • Handling Objections
  • Marketing
  • Lighting Techniques
  • and Photoshoots with Cat released every month!

Mentees have access to additional programming:

Live Group Coaching Weekly

Sustainability is just the beginning! Join Cat Ford-Coates to build profitability into your systems that gives you the freedom to build a business with joy instead of chasing, and wishing, and praying. You aren't researching photo education because you've reached your goals. You're here because you need the tools, the mindset, and the strategies to take your business to the next level.

Courses Included with "In The Studio":

what do you get?

The growth you've been looking for


Monthly Masterclasses:


Private MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group with community and challenges throughout the year ONLY for paid members of The Studio Takeover

Frequently asked questions

What if I can't make it to the live broadcasts?

All of our broadcasts are recorded and will be available to you in your member portal typically within 48 hours or 2 business days of the broadcast.

How do I know if this is a good fit for me?

When you're tired of trying ALL the things and getting nowhere, or you're finding some success but have hit a plateau, or you are needing specificity in your systems and how you operate with your clients and behind the scenes this is a great place for you.
Have additional questions? Reach out. We'd be happy to discuss your circumstances to determine if "In The Studio" is a good fit for you.
Email Support@TheStudioTakeover.onlline

Is one-on-one mentoring included in "In The Studio"?

One-on-one mentoring is available in "The Portrait Council" program only. 

Is this for me if I shoot outdoors and not in a studio?

Sure thing! Portrait is portrait regardless of location. 
join us today

573 students and counting

I've gotta say: this program. Week one - so much digging in and sooooo much clarity. It's only week one! (SHINE course)
Lisa Advent
It was time to focus on the business and there was nobody better to learn from.
Suz McFadden
As I'm in my foundational stages, this was a way to avoid the stumbling so I can fast track my business too get where I need without spending years to get there.
Lisa Lacy

Mentees also have access additional programming:


Additional programming included:

  • Marketing Fundamentals webinar
  • Podcast Like You Mean It
  • Members only Facebook group
  • Monthly challenges
  • and more!

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Your Mentor

Cat Ford-Coates

CEO, Portrait Photographer, Portrait Mentor

A professional Photographer for more than ten years, and has reached the highest level of accreditation with The Portrait Masters as a Fellow Master Photographer, an official Mentor for The Portrait System, co-host of The 12 Month Start Up, and her highest value is Freedom; Freedom in money AND in time.

"I've created 'In the Studio' so that you can learn to treat your business like a business to make more money, execute, and delegate like the business owner you know you're meant to BE."

My job isn't only to help you elevate your skill sets in the studio, but to be paid WELL in doing so.