Applications Closed

Portrait Ghostwriter Beta Program

  • Are you a Portrait Photographer that struggles to know what to say and when to say it? 
  • Is your website in a constant state of "needing to be updated" with blog posts, campaign landing pages, etc.
  • Are you avoiding adding an "About" page because you hate marketing yourself and don't know what to say?
  • Are you DONE with DIY-ing the hell out of your business and ready to work with a partner whose only interest is serving in an efficient and timely manner in a voice that is compelling for your audience?
  • Are your clients disappointed because they haven't been properly featured with their experience on your website?
The Studio Takeover is partnering with a copywriter to create digital content and tailored assets with Portrait Photographers in the coming weeks (April 16-May13, 2023) and now taking applications for consideration for a Beta program to work with him directly to create assets for your website and marketing materials.

Applications Closed

Applications for the beta program are closed

An introductory example to the objection:

"I'm not photogenic..."

"What you see in the mirror is not a photo. That reflection staring back at you is a creature of breath and vigor, complete in all its scars and charms because it lives. It smiles and winks and furrows its brow and tousles its hair and tugs at its ears. It is imbued with the charisma and grace that your soul shines into the glass. But, for some reason, that doesn't come through in pictures. Family reunion photos. Vacation pics. School portraits. Even selfies don't seem to capture the verve, the electricity of who you really are. It disappoints you. It isn't you. So, you hide when the cameras come out. You move to the back row. You hunch or huddle. You hide your teeth because you know the smile will be awkward and insincere. You might even scooch out of frame. 
But we don't see the unsatisfactory image, that timid apparition shying from the camera. What we see, as you sit laughing, sipping champagne while your hair and makeup are expertly attended to, is a being of untold depth and strength, bold and resolute and absolutely gorgeous in your divine uniqueness. We don't see unphotogenic because unphotogenic isn't a thing. We see how you talk with your hands. How one corner of your mouth turns up when you smile. How the proper angle turns your eyes into torchlight. How you hold sadness in your temples. How you glide when you're happy. 
It's a tingle of recognition when you look into the lens. You know that through it, with or without the polish of state-of-the-art equipment, high-end lighting, haute couture wardrobe, and gold-star products, there is someone seeing your truest self - maybe like no one has seen you before, not even you. In this trust, this shimmering acceptance, you won't want to hide. You'll burn so bright..." 
Empty space, drag to resize

Portrait Ghostwriter

What is the Portrait Ghostwriter beta program about?

So glad you asked...

What is the beta ghostwriter program?

a four week partnership with this ghostwriter to develop assets valuable for your business.
  • Up to 8 blog posts
  • A nurturing email series of 6 emails
  • An About page on your website showcasing your heart, your expertise and mastery, and how your client is served in your business
The entirety of this four week process will be a combination of a la carte digital products in addition to a limited monthly subscription that will be made available beginning in the summer of 2023 for a value of more than $5000.

What is the fee to be a part of the Beta Program?

The entirety of this four week process will be a combination of a la carte digital products in addition to a limited monthly subscription that will be made available beginning in the summer of 2023 for a value of more than $5000. 
We have opened six seats for beta testers to work with this ghostwriter at the incentivized rate of $1200 per partnership for approved applicant partners.

What are the deliverables for the Beta Program?

During your four week partnership you will receive:
  • up to 3 30 minute calls to discuss details, boundaries, and expectations for your project during the course of your four week program (April 16-May 13, 2023)
  • a six part nurturing email sequence
  • up to 8 blog posts (copy only) for client features for your website
  • crafted copy for a promotional landing page
  • crafted copy for an "about" page on your website

What's the catch?

Our desire is to map out the client experience in a way that is efficient, effective, and instilled with so much value that our beta testers for this project cannot help but rave about working with us!


"The beauty of his work is that it all reads like a love letter; compassionate, intimate, intentional. These are the same qualities I want my clients to feel throughout their experience with my studio. I want them to feel valued, supported, and cared for. 
I am so excited to be partnered with someone who truly GETS the impact I make on my clients' lives through my work."

Cat Ford-Coates

We are partnering with Photographers interested in creating assets to utilize throughout their client experience from email, to their websites, campaigns, and in social media that effectively showcase their love of their craft to their audience.

Will this testimonial be yours?

These Photographers and business owners are not interested in DIY-ing via AI platforms but working with a professional who offers support and execution for tailored and personalized written assets to leverage throughout their businesses.

Will this testimonial be yours?