in person

Portrait Business Mastermind

Join us March 5 in Las Vegas at WPPI with Mentor Cat Ford-Coates as she brings photographers together to host a mastermind, in person to assess issues, questions, and strategies from photographers ready to EXCEL in their markets with their studios

What's included?


Connect with the other attendees in the room and at the table to grow your community. Entrepreneurship does not have to happen in a vacuum. These connections bring with them opportunity: personally and professionally too.


Being AT the table with Mentor Cat Ford-Coates for answers and strategies to YOUR questions, and challenges and with it, the opportunity to bring your expertise and perspective to others, both ahead of you and behind you on the path of CEO in the world of portrait.

Mastermind & Personal Connection



Connect with Cat and the other photographers in the room for a revitalization of your business. Whether you are new to the portrait space or a seasoned professional experiencing a lull, bring that perspective with you to this mastermind. It's time to grow your community and get fresh eyes on your business so you can leave Vegas with actionable strategies to grow your revenue.


Listen to the other questions and challenges being brought TO the mastermind. 
WHY? Because YOUR perspective is needed too. Cat will lead responses and next steps but YOUR insight is crucial to the success of everyone at the table.
Yes, come for your needs and growth. 100%. But also bring that discernment from your experiences to contribute to the growth of others too.


Understanding that there is a system and process available to support your success is such a relief! It doesn't have to be SO hard. In fact, once you understand the systems you can install IN your business to support the evolution of your business, things do, in fact, get easier. I can show you.

From Cat:

I'm excited to dive deep with you and be your sojourner of personal exploration which will empower you to grow as an Artist and as a business owner. Join us in Vegas!

Frequently asked questions

When is the mastermind?

March 5th at 9:00am and 1:00pm. Specific location will be released to attendees but it WILL be hosted at The Mirage hotel and casino.

What are the timeframes for each day?

Doors open at 8:30am and 12:30pm for 30 minutes of networking and each cohort will run for three hours.

Will we be shooting during the mastermind?

No gear necessary. No shooting. We will be in a small, intimate group discussing business challenges. In the ast mastermind topics have ranged from creative process, to pricing, to client journey. Whatever YOU need help with in your portrait business is welcome.


Angie Whitten

Sharing her experience in an in person workshop with Cat Ford-Coates & Saray Taylor-Roman in 2023
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“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”


Join us March 5th
Vegas Mastermind

Join us in March for this portrait mastermind with Cat Ford-Coates to unfold the next level of love for your portrait business and continued future success.

Discover your confidence

as an Artist

Connect and create with abandon

to create Art you are proud of