The Shift Workshop

It gets to be easy and fun. You HAVE the system but it doesn't stop there. The system is just the beginning. The next steps are always in keeping my mindset IN expansion and I am sharing how I do that with you in The Shift Workshop 

a note from Cat

We spend seemingly endless hours puting the system in place for the practical things like: 
  • sustainable pricing
  • communication and automation
  • improving our retouching
  • systematizing our posing workflow
  • delegation and leadership
  • and the list goes on

and don't get me wrong, we HAVE tp do those things. In fact, I teach extensively ON these topics. It is crucial to owning and operating a sustainable and profitable business but something we simultaneously avoid is how WE are showing up beyond the practical. 
As your mentor it is my job to  illuminate all aspects of how we lean into our CEO-ness and knowing just HOW to SHIFT from "It isn't working" and "OMG HOW?!" to being in a state of such beautiful flow is pivotal to your success.
If you’re a Portrait Photographer wanting to increase your creativity, your revenue, and expand into success, this workshop is for you.
Write your awesome label here.

Our school with your words

a true gift | no one better | i have a million AHA moments |

Working with Cat is a true gift that continues to shape my life and my business in the most positive, impactful ways. She is the only one for me.
Judith hill levenson
It was time to focus on the business and there was no one better to learn from
Susz McFadden
Having ADHD makes it difficult for me to break down information & organize it in my brain and Cat is a master of explaining and breaking down actionable steps. She uses language in a way that makes everything so clear. I have a million AHA moments. I feel the investment in what Cat offers comes back tenfold. Like I said, herr courses are the best investment."
Brenda Spielmann
Don't hesitate

It is time for you to SHIFT


What's included?

Shift is all about designing your life

Shift your limiting beliefs, activate the power of your decision, create YOUR expansion, lean into energetic boundaries so you can maintain your flow, inspired action, and building the business that supports the life you want to be living!

LIVE Training Dec 1 at 3:00pm EDT

Frequently asked questions

Is this included if I'm a member of "In The Studio" mentoring program

Yep! No additional purchase necessary! It's already been added to your portal!

What if I can't make the LIVE on Dec 1?

No worries! You'll have lifeitme access and can catch the replay