LIVE Q&A with Cat Ford-Coates

Complimentary LIVE Q&A for portrait photographers with Cat Ford-Coates

What's included?

Bring your challenges to the table

Struggling with your system, clients, or process? Ask mentor Cat Ford-Coates to gain insight and perspective to find solutions to your problems!

When are the live calls?

These complimentary calls occur occasionally but are available LIVE only. Register today to get announcements about any of our complimentary mentoring calls delivered right to your inbox! 

We make real results happen.

Show up for the LIVE call with mentor Cat Ford-Coates and ask away!
Next LIVE Wed 12/13/23 at 12:00pm eastern


Elizabeth Bailey

It's soooo worth it! Take the time to invest in yourself and your business today, and get ready for a deep dive! Cat's ability to lay out content and create a space where you are challenged, yet cradled and supporrted through grrowth and community is exceptional.


Hannah Beatrice Law

I love it here because you're so open, honest, and frank. There's no bullshit, just actionable steps and advice to get us moving in the right direction. <3


Cindy Goff

If you haven't tried any of Cat Ford-Coates classes, mentoring, etc do it now.

Frequently asked questions

When are the calls?

Our most recent was Wed 12/13 but more are being added to the calendar for 2024. Register for the course today and you'll be on the list for invitations for future group mentoring calls too!

Do I need to be a paid member to register?

Nope! Sure don't!! My job is to help empower portrait photographers to being sustainable and profitable. Did you know that less than 25,000 photography businesses in the US earn less than $100K in revenue a YEAR?? Yeah, let's get you EARRRRRRNING.

What's the catch?

We will be using these calls as bonus episodes for The Studio Takeover podcast. That's it. That's the catch.
Write your awesome label here.

LIVE Mentoring Q&A

I'll see you in there... | XOXO, Cat