You CAN make real money in Photography

Dec 1
  • 8% of Americans are millionaires (20.27 million people out of 250 million people)
  • *US Labor & Statistics

  • 90% of the world's milllionaires & 66% of US millionaires are men
  • *US Labor & Statistics

  • Women own 51% of all businesses in the US yet only bring in 4.2% of the revenue
  • *NAWBO

  • There are 248, 428 photography businesses in the US alone and less than 10% of photogrraphy businesses generate $100,000 in revenue.
  • *IBIS World

Time to Change the Narrative

Omg, these numbers are heartbreaking. It’s just UNNECESSARY, y’all!
This expectation that creatives (& apparently WOMEN) must “suffer” financially to do what they love needs to be put to bed, and I’m here to tell YOU that you CAN do well more than $100K and I can show you HOW.
$100k means you keep (net) less than 40k in a salary. Let’s change the narrative shall we?!
Let’s shift away from cheap and suffering being the default. Throw away the idea that professional photographers have to eat hand to mouth and rob Peter to pay Paul simply to exist in the market.
Let’s CLAIM the space of SUCCESS and living your life, making your art, and serving your clients ON YOUR TERMS: sustainably and profitably:
  • So you can sleep at night
  • So you can create with abandon
  • So you can enjoy your families and relationships
Foundation to Freedom and SHINE Marketing Fundamentals for Mastery are open for enrollment!
You can purchase them:
👌🏼a la carte to do the work on your own or
👌🏼sign up for “In The Studio” and they are both included in that membership for you in addition to our growing library and twice monthly live broadcasts, or
👌🏼you can sign up for “Portrait Council” and the entire membership library is included alongside one-on-one mentorship with me.
🌅 The sky is the limit.
Check out the details below and feel free to reach out with questions.
I’ll see you in there.
